Category: Research techniques


What is a auteur?

In the film industry an auteur is a director, who has creative control and uses a series of recognisable themes and stylistics that make it recognisable. For example Takashi Miike and Steven Spielberg. Another example for an auteur is Alfred Hitchcock as he leaves his own, personal mark on everything the creates. The auteur theory was developed in France after World War 2, to raise film to a level or art. Although most Hollywood films at the time were made in a studio system, critics begain to detect the work of certain directors as having tell-tale signs, the signs of an individual creative mind working within the studio system. However Nowadays just about anybody who doesn’t make blockbusters thinks they’re an auteur.

In this assignment I will be discussing the many different types of research techniques. There are many types of research techniques, these techniques can be used in order to gather research and general information needed by the researcher. In this assignment I will be discussing five research techniques. The types of research are:

  • Questionnaires
  • Internet research
  • Library books
  • Focus groups
  • Interviews


A questionnaire is a series of questions handed out to certain people in order to gather their thoughts or feelings on a certain category for research. Questionnaires are commonly used in order for companies to gather research about a particular topic.

A questionnaire is a good way to collect research. The main advantages of using questionnaires in order to gather information is that they are very quick and easy to put together and dont require much skill in the making of a questionnaire. Another advantage is that the data collected from a questionnaire is quick and simple to collect with direct answers to the questions. The final advantage is that the more people that take part in the questionnaire, to more reliable the research will be resulting in a more accurate outcome.

However there are some disadvantages of using a questionnaire in order to gather research. These may include response rates. If a questionnaire is sent via post than the response rates may be low or if delt with over the phone have to kept relatively short or else the person being questioned will lose interest. Another disadvantage is that if students participate in the questionnaire , than they may not be willing to complete the questionnaire as the may feel that they wont receive any benefit from responding. The final and most important disadvantage is little control over who participates in the questionnaire which could result in a bias outcome.

I have used questionnaires in the past to gather research. I had to find out peoples reactions, feelings and thoughts to the cadbury gorilla advert and on general viral adverts. I found this was a very effective way to gather research as the data collected was accurate and helpful. Also it was a fast, easy and free way to gather information.

Internet Research 

Internet research consists of gathering information using any site on the internet. The internet can be used to find out anything you need to know when it come to gathering research.

Using the internet in order to gather research is a fast and effective way to gather research. Also its free and usually reliable. Using internet research is also very convenient, meaning it can be done at home, work or on the move providing you have a internet connection and finally the ease of use which requires little skill in order to gain the needed information.

The disadvantages of using internet research is that it can lead to no productive searches, limited information available as only current information is available online and internet research can only be used using a internet connection which some people may not have, meaning that they can’t use it. Also you cant check if the information recieved is reliable or accurate and finally certain information can be cost if the information is specialized.

I feel that internet research is the most popular form of gathering research as its quick and easy to receive the required information and is easy to do. I use internet research a lot when trying to collect research as i feel its the easiest form of research and the least time consuming.

When gathering research for my product, I will defiantly be using this form of research as the information online is up to date and reliable. Also the meet my deadline as its the fastest way of gathering data.

Library Research 

Library research is gathering the information needed using books in a library. A library has a large collection of books that are all organized in different topics and in alphabetical order.

The benefits of using a library to gather research is that there is a wide range of reference materials to use, all topics are categorised and easy to find, librarians available to provide assistance, increased focus as its a quite environment, for many people this could just mean getting away from home or work, to avoid distractions and might be the best benefit of a library.

The disadvantages of library research are that compared to internet research, library research isn’t as quick to receive or as reliable as some of the books may be out of date. Also can be time consuming, most libraries are large so might take a while to find the correct research and finally libraries may be missing the required information, either has been taken by someone else or has been miss placed. And finally the library could be closed when the information is needed causing inefficiency.

In the past I have used library research when trying to gather research. I found this method of research time consuming and a hassle as I had to remember to take the books back when I had finished with them, where as compared to internet research, I have access to the data when and how I want.

When gathering my own research in the future I will not be using library research as I feel that it isn’t as efficient as the other types of research and is very time consuming.

Focus Group

A focus group is involves encouraging an invited group of participants to share their thoughts, feelings, attitudes and ideas on certain subject. Organising focus groups within an organisation can also be very useful in getting buy-in to a project from within that company.

The pro features of a focus group is the they are very quick and cheap to put together also they are easy to put together as all you need is a group of people, a leader and a location. Another pro feature is using a focus group in order to gather research provides a deeper insight and participants can give their thoughts and ideas to help the product or research. I feel the main pro feature is that anyone can take part meaning that gathering research is quick, simple and effective.

However there are some cons to using focus groups in order to gather research. The main disadvantage is focus groups require a skilled leader in order for the data to be collected efficiently and correctly. Another disadvantage is a small sized focus group means that it might not be a good representation of larger population. Also focus group can be a inefficient way to gather data and research and the final disadvantage is the data collected from focus groups require skill in order to analyse the data correctly.


Interviews can be used in order to gain research for a product. Interviews consist of asking a bunch of questions to an individual or group of people in order to gain research about a particular subject. Interviews can be done face to face or over the phone.

The advantages of using interviews to gain research are that interviews produce a higher response rate, deeper/ more in depth answers and questions can be used in a interview, unlike any of the other research techniques. Also the participant could lack reading or writing skills to fill out a questionnaire, so an interview would be a more reliable solution.

The disadvantages of using interview research is that it can be very time consuming compared to the other research techniques, the interviewer could effect the data is he or she is not consistent or is bias and ask closed questions. Also interviews can be difficult to locate and finally the interviewee could be shy or stage fright, which could alter the outcome of the data as they may not give in depth answers.


I feel that the most common and useful form of research is internet research. The reasons for this are that it is quick and easy to receive the data needed, there is a wide ranges of information online with discussions and question and answers and is the cheapest way to gather research.